My first blog post, what a ride

I always thought you’d have to feel pretty self-important to have a blog, or even regularly post on social media. It comes from a feeling of not wanting to take up too much space, less I be called out and perceived in a negative way, for something lots of people participate in on a daily basis without such hang ups. A blog or post is often someone just wanting to share themselves, or even just to get thoughts out, like a message in a bottle left to sea.

Publishing the demo for Monstress Proportions was one of the first times I ever shared myself in a public way - this deeply perverted, and (w)holesome, being that I am. I’ve been reinventing myself ever since, wanting to live authentically, fulfilling all the dreams I’ve had of sharing this part of myself - in conversations with friends, and in the work I do professionally.

I’ve made so much progress since I first started, but there’s still a long way to go - continuing to find self acceptance, and also, importantly, financial stability. Making pervy games and erotica (and more) for a living isn’t a straight and narrow path, but this blog is where I’d like to detail my steps, share what I’ve found, what I learn, and what I envision for myself in the future.

And of course, all the cool shit I’m making! Which there’ll be updates on soon.

You can’t help yourself, can you?

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